Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why we do what we do...

Seven years ago when we started this business, we focused the business around what we knew best at the time- Computers! PC and Mac hardware and software support for small business and residential clients.

After getting a few years into the business and developing it to some extent, I decided to take the business in a different direction...enter the home theater business! Why home theaters? Because it's cool! Home electronics, automation, and all kinds of gadgets! Not only do we get to "play" with cool technology, we make people happy and we make their lives easier! I've always thought it would be neat to be an "imagineer" that's Disney-speak for the wizards that put the rides and scences together- they make the magic happen.

We run a service based business- we provide the knowledge, and the people with the right experience to help save time and money.

If you've done any research on home theaters or home automation systems you know that there are a plethora of choices and brands and features and you could spend weeks and weeks doing the research yourself. That's where we can help you make the right choices.

I enjoy what I do, but still find it tiresome at times. Demanding clients who want everything but don't want to pay the price, employees, and the neverending stream of calls and to-do lists... It's the life of a small business owner facing growing pains due to success. On the bright side, being busy during a recession is one of the best problems to have!

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